'A' Show declaration form link
Points current through: Sweet Briar College Winter Show
Division Standings
Show Results
Make SURE that your horse/pony name is entered at shows EXACTLY as it is registered with the Association. Points WILL NOT count unless they match.
Riders and Under Saddle Classes: In light of the SWVHJA rule pertaining to rider membership, please ensure that all rider changes are made in the horse show office by the close of the show.
To eliminate confusion and misunderstandings, please note that show secretaries do not have SWVHJA membership information. They will not be able to provide any information regarding membership and/or horse recording status. If there are any questions as to membership status, it is recommended that any applicable forms be submitted either prior to or at a show. If dues have already been paid for the current year, the check will be returned. Please feel free to contact the SWVHJA office at any time with membership questions. Membership status is always available via this website.
Points from December 1 through May 31 become final on June 30. Questions regarding points for this time period must be submitted by June 30.
Points from June 1 through Annual Show/Medal Finals become final on November 30. Questions regarding points for this time period must be submitted by November 30.
Questions regarding points must be directed to the SWVHJA office in writing, either by USPS or e-mail. The correct way to inquire about your points is to provide the tally that you have and the executive secretary will look at your total versus the total in the association's database and respond accordingly.